Exhibits on Campus

Western creates an environment whereby you can select clearly defined academic paths that will translate your goals and career aspirations into a completed degree and/or certificate. Each associate degree features a two-year sequence which indicates required courses. While students can take courses in a different semester if offered and certainly in summer school, it is important to understand prerequisite courses (courses that must be taken before the listed course) and that some classes are not offered each semester. Certificates have a defined timeline explained in their course requirements

To facilitate the process, you will be placed on an electronic student plan that helps you track where you stand at any given point and plan your entire education around the other responsibilities you have. All degree-seeking students are expected to complete their freshman English class (ENGL 1010), their first college-level math class, and the first year experience course (HMDV 1050) during the first semester when possible. Those taking development coursework prior to the college-level math and English should work with their academic advisor to build the plan moving forward.