Next Steps ... Transfer Resources

Transfer Services

At Western, we help facilitate student transfers to other higher education facilities. Meeting with a Success Coach, we can guide students with :

  • Initial advising for students that are planning to transfer
  • Advising on program requirements and course schedules
  • Linking with transfer schools and their representatives
  • Assisting with transfer deadlines and application processes
  • Assistance with requesting transcripts
  • Reviewing articulation agreements
  • Interstate Passport
  • Reverse Transfer Program

Transfer Resources:

A college articulation agreement is a formal agreement between a community college or two-year college and a four-year college or university that outlines the transfer of credits from the community college to the four-year institution, ensuring that the credits earned at the community college are recognized and accepted by the receiving institution, thereby facilitating a smooth transition for students from one institution to another without losing academic progress.

Western's articulation agreements can be found here!

  • Automatically import the courses you’ve taken from Wyoming’s seven community colleges and the University of Wyoming. 
  • Search for courses, programs, course equivalencies, and transfer agreements for the courses you’ve already taken. 
  • View comprehensive college profiles to learn more about the schools that interest you the most. 

Frequently Asked Transfer Questions:

Transfer credit refers to credit earned at one college or university that is transferred to a second institution. During the transfer credit evaluation process, the receiving institution evaluates the classes taken and credits earned at each institution to determine which courses will be accepted in transfer and how those courses will apply to the requirements for the program into which you are transferring. After the transfer evaluation is completed by the receiving institution, transfer credit will appear on a student's academic transcript from that institution.

Western evaluates transfer credit through policies and academic departments. Since course content and learning outcomes can change, articulation decisions carry effective dates. Course and articulation data is updated routinely.  The institution a student is transferring to  determines which credits will transfer.  

How credits transfer is specific to the receiving institution; any two colleges or universities may treat the same class differently. To be sure you know how your class(es) will transfer, speak to Western's Transfer Specialist in Mustang Central 307-382-1677 or email 

All credits that meet grade requirements transfer to public colleges and universities in Wyoming except developmental or remedial credits. For transfer of credit from non-public colleges and universities in Wyoming, courses are evaluated on a course-by-course basis. In both instances, how credits transfer is the more critical issue. There are two primary types of transfer credit:

  • Equivalent Credit - The receiving institution accepts the transfer course as equivalent to their course. Equivalent credit means the institution(s) will treat the class as if you had taken the class on their campus
  • Elective Credit - The transfer course does not have a specific equivalent course at the receiving institution(s). The course does not fulfill major requirements; however, it may still be used as elective credit.

Some institutions have a required GPA for transfer students. Some majors require prerequisite courses, a minimum GPA, special application, or other requirements prior to transferring. To find out if your intended major has any special admissions criteria, contact an advisor in Academic Advising 307-382-1660.

Complete an application for admission (or readmission) at least two semesters before you plan to attend. For example, apply for fall semester in the early spring. This will give you enough time to submit the appropriate application forms and have official college transcripts sent to the receiving college or university for review. Remember, you must have an official college transcript sent directly from each institution where you completed the course(s). If you transferred multiple times, then you will need to contact each prior institution. Since it may take at least 6-8 weeks for delivery, make sure you apply early and are aware of any pending application and scholarship deadlines.

Although institutions generally accept an unlimited number of transfer credits, each institution has limits on the maximum number of credits it will apply to a certificate or degree program.

An equivalency map will show you available equivalencies from the institution you specified for all the courses in your course history. Create new Equivalency Maps to find out how your courses would transfer to another institution. Select multiple equivalency maps to compare how your courses would transfer to up to 3 institutions.