Communication FAQs

We recommend you take Interpersonal Communication (COMM 1030) or Public Speaking (COMM 2010) to see if Communication is the right major for you. These are also courses generally found in most pathways at Western, so if you decide you are not interested, these courses will likely still transfer to your new major pathway. 

Of course! Communication is about much more than just giving presentations. Reach out to Western's Communication program to learn more. 

Most career paths require communication skills to be successful. Because of this, a Communication degree offers graduates an extra level of flexibility upon graduation for job placement. For more information, visit Career Information.

Our program does offer opportunities for internships pertaining to a Communication degree. These internships will be unpaid, but students can earn 1 to 4 credit hours of coursework for them. Each Communication internship at Western is tailored to each individual student and gives them the chance to learn more about future career possibilities. If interested, reach out to Western’s Communication department for more information.

It is possible to start working with this degree directly after graduating. We have an articulation agreement in place with the University of Wyoming so students may easily transfer there. However, Western’s Communication program is organized to offer coursework that may largely transfer to most institutions. Speaking with your advisor and Academic Advising can get you more up-to-date information on this topic.

Western Wyoming Community College participates in the Interstate Passport Network. This network of accredited institutions provides a seamless transfer of the general education block between it's members. Student who complete their Passport at Western will not be required to repeat or take additional course work to meet lower division general education requirements in the Passport's nine areas when they transfer to any other Passport institution.  You can learn more here.