The mathematical major program set out at Western Wyoming Community College is designed to introduce students to the beautiful world of mathematical studies and prepare them for further studies in the field. We are fortunate to be able to offer a full 2-year program in mathematics that includes our ultimate courses: Linear Algebra, Math Seminar, Calculus III and Differential Equations. These courses will put the student in line for the next two years of a bachelor's degree in the field in a classical course of study.
Students in our program will learn both abstract theories as well as solid applications. They will develop problem solving skills unique to the study of mathematics and similar skills that carry over to attacking problems in other fields, even those that are seemingly unrelated. With our two-year program in mathematics, a student could go on to receive a full bachelor's in Math, resulting in a job in actuarial science, mathematics for a plant or industrial concern, or take a different path into engineering, finance economics, or other related fields.
Students in our program will learn both abstract theories as well as solid applications. They will develop problem solving skills unique to the study of mathematics and similar skills that carry over to attacking problems in other fields, even those that are seemingly unrelated. With our two-year program in mathematics, a student could go on to receive a full bachelor's in Math, resulting in a job in actuarial science, mathematics for a plant or industrial concern, or take a different path into engineering, finance economics, or other related fields.