Western’s Wellbeing and Accessibility Department Gets Revamped Space to Better Serve Students

On August 15, 2021, Western Wyoming Community College’s Wellbeing and Accessibility Department moved to a new space on Western’s campus to better serve students.
The Wellbeing and Accessibility Department offers several services to students such as up to 15 free counseling sessions (including the intake session) for any student enrolled in at least one credit-earning course on campus or through outreach. Sessions can be done in person or via ZOOM.
Wednesdays are for Wellbeing at Western. Students can take advantage of the unlimited group sessions and retreats. Every Wednesday Wellbeing & Accessibility offers different activities and events such as the Re-Treats which are open activity-based events where students can participate in a fun activity and get health & wellness info in the process.
Each Wednesday they host “The Session” radio show on Mustang Radio, and the first Wednesday of the month is Open Mic Night - one of the most popular events on campus. The community is welcome to join and share their talent as well. At the end of each semester, they host a Stress Busters event to help people prepare for finals by relaxing, and an annual Welcome Week event, LalaNObooza, as part of drug and alcohol prevention efforts.
Wellbeing and Accessibility provides and facilitates the YOU@westernwyoming.edu online wellbeing resource that provides students and employees articles, self-check quizzes, on and off campus resources to make sure that they succeed thrive and matter at college, located on the student portal.
Wellbeing and Accessibility is responsible for prevention education on campus regarding general wellbeing, mental health, suicide prevention, drug and alcohol prevention, and sexual health/Title IX prevention.
The Department works to assure campus accessibility as well as to provide accommodation to students who have self-identified as having a disability and are responsible for COVID case management to ensure students have what they need when there is a COVID-related issue.
Additionally, the office houses a relaxation room with meditation pillows, massage chairs, aromatherapy, and sound machine available to students and employees. They also provide crisis and emergency counseling both during and after office hours.
“Mental health and well-being are important throughout the college years, now more than ever. We are so excited to be in the new space that allows students increased privacy, confidentiality, security, and broadens the array of services that we can offer. We appreciate the support from the college to make this long-standing need a reality,” stated Amy Galley, Director of Wellbeing and Accessibility.
Wellbeing & Accessibility can be reached by emailing wellaccess@westernwyoming.edu or by calling 307-382-1652.