Plant Operations Program 2

July 18, 2019
plant operations program facility

Plant Operations Graduates Guaranteed Interviews with Industry Partners!

After completing the Plant Operations courses, students can expect to earn $22.50-$38.00 per hour on average.

Western Wyoming Community College’s new Plant Operations Program prepares students for jobs in the community’s local industries – and even guarantees an interview for graduates with some industry partners.

The Associate of Applied Science in Plant Operation Technology or Plant Operations Certificate are both relevant to chemical plant operators, power plant operators, water treatment operators, and oil and gas plant operators. The program prepares students for careers in industrial plants and refineries as process technicians/operators, research technicians or laboratory technicians.

Process technicians are involved in the manufacture of chemicals and petroleum products that support our global economy. The processing industry is anticipating severe shortages in skilled technicians to operate their plants as the large baby boomer group is at or near retirement age.

 “The Plant Operations program is one that was truly built for industry needs.  We had industry input every step of the way to map out the job, identify the skills that were needed, donate some of the equipment a plant operations technician will work with on the job, and provide other advice. Our new lab will allow students to take hands-on core courses related to plant operations with at least 50% of the class conducted in a “real world” setting working on actual industrial components used in today’s industry. Once a student has completed the program, several of the industries supporting it have guaranteed that they will offer interviews to our students. That is a great incentive,” stated Dr. Kim Farley, Vice President for Student Learning at Western

Western is the only college in Wyoming that allows students flexible scheduling for this type of program. This program also qualifies for the Wyoming Works state-wide program helping adult learners pay for college.

For more information on this program contact Paul Johnson, Associate Professor of Oil and Gas Technology & Division Chair of Business and Industry Western via email at To register, contact Mustang Central at or call (307) 382-1637.

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