50 Contemporary Art Voices Opens at Western 

"New Orleans" by Jennye Stubblefield

Western Wyoming Community College’s (Western) Art Gallery is pleased to present 50 Contemporary Art Voices, a group exhibition featuring work from the collection of artist and art collector Fred Danziger. The show will run from January 17 to February 24, 2023. Visitors will be able to view the exhibition daily from 8am to 10pm except for holiday closures.  

As a practicing artist, Danziger has exhibited his work in 18 solo and over 100 group exhibitions. He is represented in the collections of many prominent museums, including the Wichita Art Museum, the Asheville Museum of Art, the Woodmere Art Museum, the State Museum of Pennsylvania, and the Philadelphia Museum of Art 

He began amassing his own personal “museum” of artwork over ten years ago. “Even if a definition of art is subjective and somewhat ephemeral,” he said, describing his thought process behind collecting art. “When we think of the kind of society we want to live in, most of us want art as a part of that world. The Fred [as his collection has been nicknamed] gives established and aspiring collectors insight into the process of building a collection of art. It is an action which not only enriches personal space but gives encouragement to every artist whose work is acquired, and helps maintain a thriving community of artists, galleries, and collectors. 

Speaking of the decision to exhibit his work, he continued, “If we ask ourselves, ‘What is important to a society?’ art must be placed as one of those ‘essential’ things. In 1942, the German air force was bombing London, every night. The British sent two things to safety: children and art! They emptied the museums and sent them to a quarry in Wales. Art survives. It has survived plagues, wars, and even volcanic eruptions, such as Pompeii! We preserve art and value it because it is part of our humanity. 

Human history, from the caves of Lascaux, to the cities of ancient Greece, and right up to the current museums in every corner of the world, tells us that art fulfills a basic human need. It is an essential part of our humanity. 

The recent pandemic has not changed that. When the lockdown occurred in March of 2020, art was not seen as ‘essential,’ and the shock to the art community was substantial, as galleries, museums, and art schools closed their doors. 

50 Contemporary Art Voices was organized partially in response to those closures. The pieces on display are all works from Fred Danziger’s personal collection. They have been purchased from a variety of galleries and artists over the years. They span a wide variety of styles—from abstraction to highly rendered photorealism, from conceptual to perceptual approaches. The mediums include oil painting, watercolor, drawing, printmaking, and sculpture.  

This exhibit is not about a particular aesthetic,” said Danziger. “It is about collecting art. It is essentially a traveling museum of contemporary art. We hope you find value in this exhibit and consider visiting the websites of the artists. You might find something to begin—or add to—your own collection. Please support your local art centers, museums, and galleries. Lend your support with words, or especially by acquiring work for your personal collection of fine art! 

Those interested in viewing more of Danziger’s collection may do so by visiting his online archive at: https://freddanziger.com/101/101artists.html. If you have any questions about this show or the Art Gallery’s programming in general, please contact Jacob Muldowney at jmuldowney@westernwyoming.edu.