Bailey Heide
“While attending Western Wyoming Community College, I was able to experience Sweetwater County School District #1 firsthand through 2 different practicums. These experiences really gave me a good taste of what this community was like, how they valued education and made me want to come back to Rock Springs to teach one day."
"I can say wholeheartedly that Western Wyoming Community College is the reason I accepted a job teaching in Rock Springs. The opportunity to get out into the community and interact with students from our city really bridged the gap between a community college and the city and school district it resides within. When I applied for a teaching job in Rock Springs, I felt more comfortable with the district because I had already spent so much time in the schools already; that wouldn’t have been the case if Western Wyoming Community College had not given me the opportunity to do so.”
Bailey Heide - Mustang Alumni, Associates of Arts 2014