Sweetwater BOCES Returning Adults Scholarship

This scholarship is geared toward adults, 24 years or older, who live in Sweetwater County.  For more information, please contact Financial Aid at financialaid@westernyoming.edu or 307-382-1884.


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Students pose for a quick photo before returning to this year’s exciting commencement festivities.

H2 Large Subhead

H3 Change lives—discover a rewarding career in Teaching!

BODY Teachers change lives by opening new worlds for students and inspiring them to reach their goals. The Education Department at Western Wyoming Community College provides programs and classes for students interested in a teaching career. We offer students three program options: Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Teacher Preparation. Students all three programs will learn foundational principles, instructional strategies, and best classroom practices appropriate to their chosen field.

One of the strengths the Education Department offers is that Westerns provides students the opportunity to participate in preschool and/or public-school classroom activities as a practicum student. Western’s students have hands-on experiences that teach them what it means to be a preschool, elementary, junior high, or high school teacher. This will give you the confidence you need to walk into a classroom and get started!

H4 Departments

H5 Get Ready for a Bulleted List

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Nov. 2 / 3:30PM / Away
@ Utah State University - Eastern (Ephraim, UT)
L 78-80
Nov. 3 / 5:00PM / Away
@ Snow College (Ephraim, UT)
L 72-84
vs. Colorado Northwestern Comm. College
Nov. 6 / 7:00PM / Home
W 93-81
Nov. 9 / 7:30PM / Away
Utah State University - Eastern Tournament (Price, UT) @ Utah State University - Eastern
L 64-81
Nov. 10 / 2:00PM / Away
Utah State University - Eastern Tournament (Price, UT) @ Colorado Northwestern Comm. College
W 66-61
Where to attend college is a big decision. When I decided to go to Western, I was unsure. Now I am certain that I made the right choice. The classrooms encourage personal thought and have allowed me to customize my learning experience. I have never been more excited about my education until now and know that because of this I will use what I have learned for the rest of life.-— Clarissa Barton
Where to attend college is a big decision. When I decided to go to Western, I was unsure. Now I am certain that I made the right choice. The classrooms encourage personal thought and have allowed me to customize my learning experience. I have never been more excited about my education until now and know that because of this I will use what I have learned for the rest of life.

Aaron Jensen, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Education
Office: 1342
Phone: Phone: 307-382-1776

Aaron Jensen grew up in the state of Washington. He earned his Bachelor of Science from the University of Wyoming. Aaron taught middle school in Oregon for 10 years. During his time in Oregon, he earned his Master of Arts from Walden University, specializing in Educational Technology. Aaron earned his Doctorate in Science Education from the University of Wyoming. At Western, Aaron teaches Classroom Management, Foundations of Education courses, and Teaching with Technology.

Patty Willoughby, Ed.S., Ed.D.
Adjunct Instructor of Education

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Fall Schedule of Education Classes

EDCI 1000: Education Experience for Prospective Teachers
W/F: 11:00AM – 11:50AM
W/F: 2:30PM – 3:20PM
EDCI 2440: Introduction to Classroom Management
T: 8:00AM – 10:00AM
TH: 8:00AM – 10:00AM
EDEC 1020: Introduction to Early Childhood Education

No, teachers must have a bachelor degree of education to obtain a teaching license. Western Wyoming Community College educational programs are designed to prepare students interested in teaching to achieve an associate degree and be well prepared to enter a 4-year institution to finish their bachelor degree.

No, teachers must have a bachelor degree of education to obtain a teaching license. Western Wyoming Community College educational programs are designed to prepare students interested in teaching to achieve an associate degree and be well prepared to enter a 4-year institution to finish their bachelor degree.

No, teachers must have a bachelor degree of education to obtain a teaching license. Western Wyoming Community College educational programs are designed to prepare students interested in teaching to achieve an associate degree and be well prepared to enter a 4-year institution to finish their bachelor degree.

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