Letter from the President

Welcome to Western, your gateway to a premier educational experience!  Western’s main campus is located in Rock Springs, Wyoming, with ten outreach centers located throughout southwest Wyoming.  Western cares about our students by providing access to talented faculty and staff who ensure a rich, relevant and supportive learning experience.  Whether you are preparing to transfer to a university, enter the workforce or enrich your knowledge through continuing education, Western is here for you.

Western has been recognized by both state and national organizations for providing an outstanding education at an affordable price.

  • Intelligent.com ranked Western as having the best Workforce Training programs and best Student to Faculty ratio in 2021;
  • Best Accredited Colleges ranked Western as #7 in the nation for the Best Associate Degree in Nursing in 2021;
  • ZDNet.com ranked Western as #16 in the nation for the Best Online Accounting Certificate Programs in 2022.

We are also proud to say that we meet students wherever they are on their academic and career pathway.  Whether a student has graduated at the top of their high school class, has decided to come to college later in life, is coming back to school to change careers, knows exactly what career pathway they want or simply has no idea . . . Western is your partner in that journey.  This is what we do, and we do it well, because we care about you and your success!

If you love the great outdoors, Western also provides a gateway to countless activities, including hiking, biking, fishing, hunting, boating, rafting, skiing, backpacking, four-wheeling, and anything else you can think of.  Located near beautiful Green River, Flaming Gorge Reservoir, the Wind River and Uinta Mountains, and Jackson, there are plenty of options to help our students find recreational balance to their busy lives.

 Again, welcome to Western.  I am proud to serve in my role as president and will work tirelessly to ensure all students have a positive experience.

 Dr. Kim Dale, Past President