Western Joins Interstate Passport Program

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Western Wyoming Community College is joining Interstate Passport, a national program dedicated to simplifying the transfer from community colleges like Western and four-year institutions. The program will be in effect at Western starting in the Fall of 2022.   

Interstate Passport allows institutions to match learning outcomes, which are recorded on a student’s transcript, rather than specific courses, eliminating unnecessary repetition of academic work. This can shorten the length of time it takes a student to earn a degree, saving them money.  

According to the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center’s Signature Report, over one-third, or 37.2%, of first-time students transferred to or enrolled in a different institution at least once within six years, and before receiving a bachelor’s degree. Of those who transferred, 45% changed their institution more than once. Nearly 18.5% of public community college students, and 24% of students from 4-year public institutions transfer across state lines.   

“Western is excited to join Interstate Passport as it will provide the mechanism for our students to have the work that they have completed in their General Education courses here at Western to be acknowledged and accepted towards their baccalaureate degrees, which will save them time and money as they pursue their academic dreams,” stated Dr. Clifford Wittstruck, Western’s Vice President for Student Learning.  

After Interstate Passport is implemented at Western, students will enjoy seamless transfer options to select schools in Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. 

For a complete list of Western’s programs visit westernwyoming.edu/academics. To learn more about Interstate Passport visit their website at https://interstatepassport.wiche.edu